Thursday, December 4, 2008

A is for Apple

Letter of the Week......

So, in my efforts to educate my daughter, who, according to the other three year olds at the playground, should be familiar with the alphabet, we have started a letter of the week activity. Though, actually, I am not sure why I am calling it the "Letter of the Week", because, I am most definitely not disciplined enough to actually do one letter per week. Hmmmmmm, maybe letter of the month, quarter, .....

So, we started with the Letter A (of course). Ava actually does know this one. I am assuming it is because 1. Her name begins with an "A", and 2. It is the first letter of the alphabet, so we usually do get this far in our alphabet exercises. Good mommy.
There are lots of options for the Letter A . I went with the most popular (i.e. unimaginative) choice of an apple. I also chose apple because when you add a plop of peanut butter, it is one of Ava's favorite snacks.
1. Gather you materials. I cheated on the actual letter and designed one from the computer and printed it out. I followed suit with a picture of an apple that I copied over and over for a fun coloring page. See, imaginative, huh? You will need some construction paper, scissors, crayons or markers (or some other fun, washable writing utensil) and a glue stick. An actual apple for a snack is optional.
2. I gave Ava the print out of the letter A and let her go crazy coloring that with crayons. Once she was done (i.e. bored) with that, I (she is not yet an expert cutter) cut out the letter A from the print out.
3. While I was cutting out the letter, I gave her the coloring page of apples to once again, go crazy coloring. A word of advice, this is your child's activity- apples can be any color. Even if you do prefer red. I also let her choose a color (I simply suggested green, again do as I say, not as I do, let your child decide) of construction paper and had her draw on this, too.
4. After Ava was finished coloring, I cut the apples out. Again, Ava is a young toddler, if your child can be trusted with scissors (safety scissors are an oxymoron), simply provide guidance. I then gave Ava a glue stick and she glued the letter A that I cut out onto the construction paper. Then, I gave Ava the apples which she glued to the Letter A.
Ta da! Good job, Ava!

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